Use the search field above to filter by staff name.

Anna Marie Bertrand
School Psychologist
518-279-4600 ext 2706

Wayne Carman
518-279-4600 Ext. 2605

Melissa Coughlin
Secretary O&M/Transportation Department
518-279-4600 ext 2802

Anthony Denovellis
Network Systems Technician
518-279-4600 Ext. 2616

Stephanie Fanning
Assistant Superintendent for Business & FOIL Records Officer
518-279-4600 Ext. 2604

* CSE Fax *

* District Office Fax *

Bus Garage
518-279-4600 ext 2822

Myles Goss
District Data Coordinator
518-279-4600 ext 2006

Jodi Hogsberg
Director of Special Education / CSE Chairperson
518-279-4600 Ext 2701

Louise Jackson Lanz
Food Service Director
518-279-4600 ext 2208

Maureen Jensen
Secretary to the Superintendent/Secretary to the Board of Education
518-279-4600 ext 2602

Kyle Loeper
518-279-4600 ext 2705

Angelina Maloney

Kevin McCormick
Director of Facilities
518-279-4600 ext 2801

Chad Miner
Athletic Director
518-279-4600 ext 2411

Laura Perfetti
CSE Secretary/PR & Communications
518-279-4600 ext 2403

Carol Petersen
Payroll/Medicaid Billing/Central Registrar
518-279-4600 Ext. 2607

Catrina Schumaker
Senior Account Clerk/Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector
518-279-4600 Ext. 2604

Eric Wetmore
Network Administrator
518-279-4600 Ext. 2615