Dear Tamarac Parent/Guardian of any student grades 7-12:

With this letter, it is my hope to answer/clarify some potential questions for you should your child (children) anticipate trying out/playing for one of our sports teams during the 2020-2021 school year.

Please know, that due to the COVID 19 pandemic, this information could change at any point.  As I write this, we have not received any specific directions from our Governor as to what we will or will not be allowed to do.  Anything you may have heard is strictly speculation at this point.

Taking a positive attitude this is what I can share with you.

The following are the dates when each season may begin their tryouts/practices. 

Fall Sports -  Aug. 24 - J.V. and Varsity teams may begin.
                    Aug. 27 - Mod. Football may begin.
                    Aug. 31 - All other Mod. sports may begin.
                    (There will be some Var. games over Columbus Day Wkend.)
Winter Sports - Nov. 16 - J.V. and Varsity teams may begin.
                      Nov. 23 - Mod. sports may begin.
                      (There will be some J.V. and Var. games over the Holiday Break)
Spring Sports - Mar. 15 - J.V. and Varsity teams may begin.
                       Mar. 22 - Mod. sports may begin.
                       (There will be some J.V. and Var. games over Spring Break) 

Currently, the most important information we are in need of is knowing what students grades 7 - 12 are planning to try-out/play on a Fall sport.  If your child has not signed up at this time, please send an email to both myself and the coach (if you know who that is) to let us know.
Due to COVID 19, some extensions have been made in regards to physicals for Fall Sports, only.

We have two programs that I think will help you:

The first one is rSchool.  This is a program that you will be able to access to check on games during the season.  Time and location included.  If you sign up for this app, you will be notified if there are any last-minute changes, as well.
The second program is called Family ID.  Currently, this is a work in progress, but within a couple of weeks, it should be up and running.  This program will allow you to sign up your child for a sport as well as taking care of all the necessary paperwork.

The last thing that I would like to share is that all potential student-athletes should come prepared to practice on the first day it is scheduled. Dressing for the weather and bringing your own water is highly recommended.
The preseason practice schedule for this Fall will be posted separately on the school's website.

Should you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.
Emailing me will get you the quickest response.

Wishing you a safe and restful summer.

Donna Van Zandt
Athletic Director
Tamarac Secondary School