
To the families of Tamarac Elementary School, 

I hope this letter finds you well and warm.  Sounds like we are approaching the coldest weather of the season thus far.  Hopefully, this will not have a negative effect on the health of our students, their families or our staff. We are seeing positive signs related to COVID-19 here in our building; one of the biggest is that the number of absences among students are decreasing.  Although we still have classes that are quarantined, students are not missing instruction as they have transitioned to remote instruction while quarantining.  It also appears that the Capital Region is seeing a downturn in new cases, which should help keep us all safer.    

Today marks the end of the 2nd quarter of school.  Grades should be completed by the middle of next week and report cards should be available at the end of next week or the first week in February.  I would like to note one clarification to this quarter's report cards.  Over the past few years, we have been including a Fountas and Pinnell (F&P) reading level on your child's report card when appropriate. Because of COVID-19 protocols on sharing materials, we have not been able to use F&P to determine levels, but have switched to an assessment available through RAZ-Kids. We are able to convert the RAZ-kids assessment levels into an F&P level.  If teachers chose, they may report this converted score on the report card.  Teachers who may have tested reading levels earlier in the school year may choose not to share a score at this time because the level may not be current enough to be relevant. I do know that the 1st grade teachers will not include a reading level at this time as their students are just beginning reading instruction.

 Speaking of our younger learners, the district has begun the process of collecting and updating census information on children who will be eligible to attend kindergarten during the 2021-2022 school year.  A child must be 5 years of age on or before December 12, 2021 to be enrolled in next year's kindergarten class.  More information is available at www.brunswickcsd.org 

Hopefully, this new quarter will find us in a better place educationally for all of our students, and a safer and healthier place for everyone. 


Rich Pogue
Principal, Tamarac Elementary School