To the families of Tamarac Elementary School,
I hope this message finds you well, warm and enjoying our snow day today. For our first snow day, it is pretty late in the season. And now that the second semester has begun, we have to begin planning for the spring and even for next year.
One important item to share is that we have added a half-day to our school calendar. Friday, March 11th will now be a half-day, with dismissal beginning at 11:25 am. Lunch will not be served this day. The afternoon will be a professional development day for our staff, with a focus on elementary science education training.
Additionally, we will be offering a Kindergarten Parent Information Night on March 30, 2022 at 7 PM. This event will be held in-person in the district auditorium at the Secondary School. Parents of incoming kindergartners starting school in September 2022, please save the date! Helpful information on what to expect in our kindergarten program, kindergarten screening, and registration will be shared during this event. We look forward to seeing our kindergarten parents and welcoming new families into our Tamarac community!
Please enjoy this day with your children - I’m sure they wanted feet of snow, but having the day with our families is good enough for me. Stay safe if you are on the roads.
Sincerely, Kelly Onorato and Rich Pogue
Tamarac Elementary School Administration