To the families of Tamarac Elementary School,
I hope this weekly update finds you well. I'm watching a slew of kids playing on the snow banks outside my window at dismissal - it's just a reminder of what a nice day this has turned out to be.
Our Personal Safety training for grades K-5, which were presented by trainers from St. Peter's and coordinated by Erika Farley, wrapped up earlier this week. The presentations were bumped a day by last Friday's snow day. Speaking of schedule changes, don't forget that Friday, March 11th (a month from today) will now be a half-day for students, with the school day ending at 11:40am. Teachers will be in professional development training that afternoon.
The next big thing on our academic calendar will be BEEP (Brittonkill Educational Enrichment Program), which is slated to begin on March 15th. Much more information will be forthcoming about this very worthwhile program for our students.
Finally, just a quick reminder about our sign-in procedures for students who arrive at school after 8:55am, the time our school day begins. If you are driving your child(ren) to school and get here after 8:55am - you can tell because the adults doing morning duty are back inside where it's warm - please accompany your child into the building and sign them in. Teachers take attendance at this time. Mrs. Sargood will walk you through the process. We appreciate this, as it helps ensure that our attendance is accurate and we can account for all of our students.
You may park in the bus parking spots at this time, if the buses have exited. By the way, no one riding a bus is marked tardy if a bus is late.
Please enjoy this upcoming weekend - looks like it might be time to start tapping the maple trees...
Sincerely, Kelly Onorato and Rich Pogue
Administration, Tamarac Elementary School