
To the families of Tamarac Elementary School, 

I hope this update finds you well and preparing for our Mid-Winter recess.  I hope your plans for this week include time for your families plus an opportunity to rest and recharge.  We have all been busy.     

The Brunswick/Brittonkill PTSA is promoting the following two events, which we are hoping to get on your calendars.  More information about both activities can be found on the PTSA's Facebook page as well as at  https://brunswick.new.memberhub.store/ .  

Bus Driver Appreciation Day is on 2/22/2022 but because we are on break that week, we will be celebrating our Bus Drivers & Bus Garage Staff the following Monday, 2/28/2022.  We are hoping to get families to have their kids make their bus driver a card to give to them when hopping on the bus that morning.  The Brittonkill PTSA will also be delivering some goodies to the bus garage that Monday as well.

Design Our Yearbook Ad has been posted to FB and the deadline for entries is March 11, 2022.   

Just a reminder to all families that Friday, March 11th is now a half-day for elementary school students only.  Dismissal will begin at 11:25am and the buses should be rolling out by 11:40am.  Lunch will not be served on this day.  Aftercare is open on this day.

Enjoy this upcoming break with your children.  We'll have the doors open for the students again on the 28th.

Sincerely, Kelly Onorato and Rich Pogue
Tamarac Elementary School Administration