
To the families of Tamarac Elementary School,   

I hope this update finds you well and enjoying this gorgeous weather.  We had some big events take place this week.  BEEP began in force on Tuesday with 180 students taking over 20 total classes each week.  BEEP was cut very short in 2020, so it was very nice to be able to host this activity for our students once again.  We were also able to celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Thursday.  A sea of green filled the classrooms and hallways once again.  And, you could see the smiles on the student's faces under the shamrocks, beads and other decorations.    

Next Wednesday, March 23rd, will be our final parent conference half-day.  Dismissal will be similar to last Friday's half-day, with pickups beginning around 11:20am and the buses pulling out around 11:40am.

Today is the last day for students to finish up their reading for the Read for Ronald McDonald House program!  Students may turn in their donation envelopes next week.  Tamarac Elementary school has raised over $1600 for the Ronald McDonald House so far.  We would like to thank students and families for their participation and support, and we would like to send a big thank you to Mrs. King for coordinating this event.  

A reminder was sent out to grades 3-5 parents this week about the administration of New York State English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science assessments this spring. Please click here to see the full letter from Mr. Pogue.

I think I heard about seven staff members say it was going to be cookout night for dinner tonight - they may be on to something😀.

Enjoy the weekend,

Kelly Onorato and Rich Pogue, Tamarac Elementary School Administration