High School yearbooks are quickly selling out. Be sure you have a yearbook in June - reserve your copy today. https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A05396450 If you want to check whether or not you have already purchased a yearbook email Beth Connor at econnor@brunswickcsd.org
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Senior students in Ms. Carroll's Sociology class completed an "Establishing Values" activity over the past few days. For Sociologists, values are broad ideas by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, superior or inferior, good or bad etc. in a society. Students listened to a series of statements about polarizing topics in American society and expressed their opinions first by moving around the classroom to different signs and then by engaging in thoughtful discussion about each topic. The students did a great job listening to their peers, even on topics where their values differed. Well done, Seniors!
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
While we didn’t capture it on video, Abraham Lee captured the hearts of all who were in attendance at the Tamarac Boys Modified basketball game on Tuesday, February 6th. During the last three minutes of the game, a member of the Hoosick Valley basketball team with special needs came off the bench onto the court. Abraham had possession of the ball, looked at his coach and passed it to the opposing player, who from nearly the three point line, took the shot and SUNK IT! The gym exploded with excitement including Abraham who was jumping for joy. Coach Willetts and a referee from the game complemented Abraham and his sportsmanship for letting the opposing teammate shoot and score! We applaud you Abraham for showing what it means to be a good person and a great Bengal!
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Abraham Lee
Love is in the air! Valentine Sing-a-grams are for sale through Monday! ♥️
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
sing a grams
PIZZA PARTY! Mr. Villnave's students were treated to some delicious Tommy's Pizza and enjoyed fun activities in the classroom.
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Mrs. Moore's 5th grade class had reading buddies with Mrs. Rhodes' Pre-K Class. 5th graders read Snowmen at Night to their buddy then helped them complete a worksheet about what they think snowmen do at night.
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Middle School Students - show your love and pre-purchase a Valentine Rose for someone special and support the Business & Marketing Honor Society. Pre-orders will be sold on Thursday and Friday during lunch periods.
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Valentine's Day Roses
We hope your week brings you all the carefree feels of the rainbow parachute in gym class!
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Tamarac Athletic Schedule week of 2/5/24
12 months ago, Tamarac Athletics
Attention students who would like to attend a Questar CTE program for the 2024-2025 school year. Applications are in the Counseling Center. The applications are due to the Counseling Center by March 8th. Any student taking a college in the high school class, please make sure you see your teacher about due dates.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Cafeteria Menus
The Girls JV game in Granville this evening is cancelled and will be rescheduled to a later date.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Bus 122 - Route 1 will be late today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
The Counselors invite the current 8th grade parents and guardians to meet with to learn about high school graduation requirements, high school classes and answer questions about 9th grade. Please RVSP by February 8th using the following link: https://forms.gle/CDM7VpypPCa5AnPa7
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Coffee with the Counselors
Brunswick CSD will operate on a two hour delay today, Monday, January 29th.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Two Hour Delay
Disney Day in Mrs. Rhode's class!
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Disney Day
The elementary school conducted a lockdown drill this afternoon. There was an additional law enforcement presence at the school for this purpose.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Tomorrow is a half day for all students due to Staff Development. Tomorrow is also WEAR RED for Big Red Day for the district and Disney Spirit Day in the Elementary School.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Friday Red and Disney Day
The Board of Education Meeting will take place this evening in person in the Secondary School LGI and will also be Live Streamed on our BCSD YouTube page starting at 7 p.m.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Board of Ed Mtg
For further clarification on exam start times: All exams today will start at 11 a.m. It is an 11 a.m. start time for College Physics, Algebra I and US History.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD