Countdown: 3 days until our 2020 Capital Project vote on December 8th. The Capital Project will replace Elementary School gymnasium move-able partitions. These partitions are used on a daily basis. #CapitalProject #Vote #Tamarac
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Countdown Day 3
Team Tully shared (with social distance) their memoirs in class with their peers. 📝 One reason we write is to let others read it. Way to go, Team Tully! #Tamarac
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
A correction to the elementary specials rotation as previously mentioned in today's weekly update!
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Countdown: 4 days until our 2020 Capital Project vote on December 8th. The Capital Project will renovate high school toilet rooms, elementary school student and faculty toilet rooms. Say goodbye to missing doors and faulty faucets! #CapitalProject #Vote #Tamarac
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Countdown Day 4
Countdown: Day 5 until our 2020 Capital Project vote on December 8th. Our Capital Project will replace aging Middle/High School corridor materials. #CapitalProject #Tamarac #Vote #
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Countdown Day 5
A message from the student support team!
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Holiday Message
A huge shout out to our custodians for transforming a non-learning space into a learning space in the times of COVID. #Tamarac
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Countdown: 6 days until our 2020 Capital Project vote on December 8th. Our Capital Project will provide numerous improvements to our District Auditorium. #CapitalProject #Vote #Tamarac
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Coundown Day 6
A reminder that this Friday, December 4 is a virtual day for all Secondary students, grades 6 through 12. A copy of the 2nd quarter schedule can be found here:
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Virtual Learning
Feeling hungry?! Look at these gorgeous apples from @CapitalRoots and @IndianLadderFarm served in our Cafeteria today.
over 3 years ago, Brunswick CSD
A reminder that elementary students have early dismissal tomorrow, December 2, for parent teacher conferences. In person students will begin to be dismissed starting at 11:30 a.m.
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Early Dismissal
Countdown: 7 days until our 2020 Capital Project vote on December 8th. Our campus is built on wetlands, often shifting the ground, cracking sidewalks & pavement. The Capital Project involves side walk repairs for both the elementary & secondary schools. #CapitalProject #Vote
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Countdown Day 7
Our December lunch menus are live! Don't forget you can access menus via our Brunswick Brittonkill App by going to the 'dining' tab or view them on our website here:
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Tuesday, December 8 will be a half day of instruction for all Secondary school students due to the building being a polling site for the proposed Capital Project. Dismissal will be at 11:31 a.m. Hybrid & remote students should follow this schedule for the day:
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Countdown: 8 days until our 2020 Capital Project Vote on December 8th. Our Capital Project involves structural repairs to exterior window lintels at the Middle/High School. #CapitalProject #Vote #Tamarac
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Countdown Day 8
Countdown: 9 days until our 2020 Capital Project Vote on December 8th. You may have driven on campus on a rainy day and noticed the giant puddle in our circle. Our Capital Project will help deal with remediation of parking lot storm drainage. #CapitalProject #Vote #Tamarac
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Capital Project - day 9
Countdown: 10 days until our 2020 Capital Project Vote on December 8th. 72% of the total project budget will go towards required building maintenance. Roof work in both buildings will be a major part of the project. #CapitalProject #VOTE #Tamarac
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Capital Project - 10 day countdown
We are THANKFUL for PARENTS. Seriously, you guys rock! Your support of our students, our school and our community is unparalleled. We value and appreciate all that you do each and everyday. #Tamarac #Thankful #Parents
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Thankful Parents
We are THANKFUL for our STUDENTS. This year is like no other, and our students have been beyond flexible, willing and supportive to ensure they have a good year academically & socially. We are proud of the hard work they put in & are glad to call them Bengals! #Tamarac #Thankful
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Thankful Students
We are THANKFUL for our SUPERINTENDENT. Thank you for your continued hard work and commitment to our students and our community. We are thankful to have your leadership, devotion and wholehearted dedication to the #Tamarac community. #Thankful #DrMaloney
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Thankful Super