To the families of Tamarac Elementary School,
I hope this letter finds you well. We've entered February with an increase in student attendance despite the gloomy weather, so it appears that many of the safety measures and precautions we have insisted upon are paying off. Many of our faculty and staff have received one, if not both, of their COVID-19 vaccines. Our ability to remain open and continue in-person instruction depends on us continuing the common sense measures toward this pandemic that we have all learned so well.
Even though Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow on this snow day Tuesday, it's still winter and there is still snow and we will still send the students outside for recess on as many days as we can. Please continue to send your kids in with hats, gloves, jackets, snow pants and boots so they can play outside - it is a treat for them to get outdoors, especially after a fresh snow.
Earlier this week, Dr. Maloney sent an email to all families outlining appropriate protocols if you have decided to travel during February break. Please ensure that you follow New York State COVID-19 protocols for traveling out of state (which does not include the states of PA, CT, NJ, VT, MA) for longer than a 24 hour period. The protocols are as follows:
- All travelers must obtain a COVID-19 test within three days of departing New York State.
- All travelers must, upon returning to New York, quarantine for three days
- On day four of their quarantine, all travelers must obtain another COVID test. If both tests come back negative, the traveler may exit quarantine upon receipt of the second negative diagnostic test
Compliance with these protocols will be one more thing that may help us remain healthy, and remain open, going forward.
As with everything this year, it seems Valentine's Day has its own spin with our COVID protocols. Teachers should have reached out to their families, as each class or grade level may be handling exchanges, celebrations and other events their own way. We are striving to keep things low-key and teachers may be handling the details on their own, but it is still a Valentine's Day in an elementary school - something is in the works.
Finally, I would like to thank the Brunswick Brittonkill PTSA for the wonderful SOUPER BOWL party that was hosted for all the employees of the district. Everyone was raving about the meal, the treats and the thoughtful messages that we received. It is one more reminder of what a special school community we have here. Thank you.
Sincerely, Rich Pogue
Principal, Tamarac Elementary School