To the families of Tamarac Elementary School,
I hope this email finds you well. We've entered March, which is notoriously the longest month of the school year, although after all we've gone through the last year, maybe we shouldn't complain. Still send in the boots, snow pants and winter gear as we go through winter's last gasp, as indoor recess is never popular with the kids. An extra mask in your child's backpack is always appreciated, too.
We do have a half-day scheduled for spring parent conferences, which will take place on Wednesday, March 24th. We will be dismissing pickup students beginning at 11:25am with buses being dismissed at 11:40am. Meets will be that afternoon and arranged by classroom teachers as needed.
We are still dealing with much uncertainty regarding COVID, but we have begun thinking ahead to the end of this school year. At this time, we will be establishing a calendar and will share "Save the Date" notices for some of our traditional end of the year activities, such as moving up ceremonies and other year-end events. Remember, we will follow whatever is the most up to date guidance on these events at the time, but if we get a green light for gatherings, we want to have dates and the framework of a plan. For now, we are tentatively planning for our kindergarten Moving Up day to be Friday, June 18th in the morning, and then our 5th grade Moving Up day will be Monday, June 21st, also in the morning. We will be updating families regularly on these plans and where the direction from New York State and the Education department is at the time. Fingers crossed, we may be able to return to normal this school year.
I know most of you cannot appreciate this, but I wanted to give a big 'Thank you" to our district' s custodians.
Finally, we will have our third, and final, switch for specials classes (Art, Music and Library) this month. New sections will begin on Monday, March 29th. This date will also start the fourth quarter for us. We hope to have report cards from the 3rd quarter ready to be sent home by Friday, April 2nd. This will also be our final day of instruction before we begin our Spring recess. Classes will resume on Monday, April 12th. Stay warm, stay safe, wear a mask!
Rich Pogue, Principal
Tamarac Elementary School