
To the families of Tamarac Elementary School, 

I hope this email finds you well.  We are basking in a successful Moving Up ceremony for our pre-K students this morning.  The weather was wonderful and the kids and families were even better.  We avoided a traffic jam with our construction companies, who were delivering materials for our summer construction projects - I took a deep breath when I saw 18-wheelers near the football field at 8am, but it was all fine at 9:30 when we started.  Now I am crossing my fingers for nice weather next Thursday and Friday - Moving Up ceremonies for the kindergarten and 5th graders, respectively.   

The Brittonkill/Tamarac PTSA elected a new Executive Board  for the 2022-24 school years; our new officers are President - Kim Santandera; VP - Lori Lewis; Secretary - Christy Fortin, and Treasurer Lea Campbell.  If you are not already an active member of PTSA, please consider becoming one.  I'd also like to thank Amy Brock and Carol Rosbozom for their years of service as PTSA officers, although thank you doesn't seem like a big enough word.  The PTSA has been a lifeline for our schools for years, and I look forward to strong relationships with our new officials.

Next week is our last full week of school.  We have our PTSA Field Day on Monday, our kindergarten Moving Up ceremony on Thursday, June 16th at 9:30am on the Varsity Football Field and our 5th grade Moving Up ceremony on Friday, June 17th, also at 9:30am.  Due to the size of our bleachers, we are asking families of kindergartners and 5th graders to limit your guest list to 5 persons for these Moving Up ceremonies - we won't turn anyone away, but we can't promise seating if these guidelines are not adhered to.  Both the kindergartners and 5th graders may leave with their families after their respective Moving Up ceremonies; please remember to sign out your child. Just a reminder, Friday is a half-day, with all students beginning dismissal around 11:25am.  

On Monday, June 20th, school will not be in session as we celebrate Juneteenth, and Thursday, June 23rd will be our final day of attendance for all elementary school students - this day will also be a half-day of student attendance.  We have a lot left to do in these final days, so please get the kids to bed early - we don't want them to miss anything!

Sincerely, Kelly Onorato and Rich Pogue
Principals, Tamarac Elementary School