
 Dear Secondary School Families:  

Hello January! Congratulations to all of our December Bengal Awards recipients! After earning a Bengal Award, Skyla Quintal received a special recognition in our monthly character drawing. 

       December Bengal Awards

  • Meghan Hollister

  • Kaleigh Pucci

  • Harmoney Hill

  • Gene Caul

  • Skyal Quintal 

  • Xavier Halse

  • Rylee Wilkie

  • Molly Durivage

January Regents: Regents exams will be administered from January 23-January 26. A reminder that classes will not be session on January 23 and on the afternoon of January 24. Only students taking a Regents exam or those required to attend school to make up work will report on January 23. Wednesday, January 24 will be a half day of instruction with dismissal at 10:32am. Any student taking an afternoon Regents exam should report to the cafeteria at dismissal. 

January 2024 Regents Parent Letter.docx

January i-Ready Assessment: Middle School students are reminded to bring Chromebook chargers and headphones to school for January i-Ready testing. 6th,7th, and 8th grade will be completing their mid year i-Ready assessment this month.  In addition, please be on the lookout for your child’s individual 2022-2023 6-8 state test results which will be mailed home later in the month. 

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day:  We would like to invite all law enforcement parents/guardians to join their children for lunch on Friday, January 12, 2024. Lunch will be provided by the Brittonkill PTSA as a thank you for your service! 

Yearbook: Attention Class of 2024 students and parents/guardians. Don't miss out on the opportunity to have a personalized baby message in the yearbook.  Families can design their own 1/8 page of the yearbook on the Jostens website.  There are over twenty formats to choose from.  Your message can include a picture or even two pictures.  All messages cost $35.  Messages are being sold until early February but there are a limited number of spots. You can design your message at      jostensadservice.com/student

Blood Drive: Key Club is hosting a blood drive with The American Red Cross on Thursday, February 1st from 7:30-12:30 in the multipurpose gym. Students that are 16 must pick up a permission slip from me to be signed by their parents in order to donate. Anyone 17 and older can register to donate and do not need a permission slip. If you are interested in donating, you can sign up to donate with the following link:



Ken Rizzo

Secondary School Principal