Dear Secondary School Families:
Thank you to the Brunswick PTSA and our community for hosting the 7th annual SOUPER Bowl. Our faculty and staff enjoyed the delicious lunch. We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and support! A reminder that our mid-winter recess is next week from February 19-23. Whether you are traveling or staying close to home, have a great break.
Quarter 2 Character Awards: Each quarter we recognize students who demonstrate outstanding character. Each Secondary student nominated receives a certificate of recognition and a coupon for Stewart’s ice cream (ms) or a voucher to a local establishment (hs). Thank you to the PTSA and Booster Club for their continued support with these awards! Congratulations to our award recipients!
Read for Ronald: Our 6th grade is partnering with Ronald McDonald House for the month of March through Read for RMHC to support children and families struggling with serious childhood illnesses and injuries. Keep an eye out for students to bring home their packets on February 28th. Please consider sponsoring a student or making a donation to this wonderful cause!
#KidsHelpingKids #READforRMHC
Tamarac Video:
2024-2025 Master Scheduling Reminder: Attached you will find the 2024-2025 course selection guide for Tamarac High School. Students will begin meeting with their counselor to make course selections later this month:
Current 11th graders: February 27 & 28
Current 10th graders: February 29 & March 1
Current 9th graders: March 4 & 5
Make up days: March 7 & 8
Course Selection Guide 24-25.pdf
Lost and Found: Our racks have expanded greatly since we came back from Christmas break, there may even be some Christmas gifts on our racks. Please check out our Lost and Found page to see if your child is missing anything. We have three slideshows: middle/high school, elementary school and items found on the buses. Here is the link to the website:
Yearbook Update: High School yearbooks are quickly selling out. Be sure you have a yearbook in June - reserve your copy today. If you want to check whether or not you have already purchased a yearbook email Beth Connor at
Lost and Found: Since coming back from Christmas break, the Life Skills students have gathered many new clothing articles from the middle/high school and the elementary school. Please check out the Lost and Found website to see if your child's clothing is on there. We will get it back to them right away.
Ken Rizzo
Secondary School Principal