Free Lunch Program

With the start of the New Year, we wanted to remind you of the 2020/2021 Free Lunch Program available through Food Services. 

Pictured above are the contents a family ordered for two children for five days - breakfast and lunch.  Portions come frozen and pre-packaged.  Simply order your meals - no application required - no questions asked.

  • All students qualify to receive a free breakfast and lunch - in-person/hybrid/remote
  • This is NOT the free and reduced lunch program 
  • You do not need to apply to receive free meals
  • Your income/salary/employment status is NOT a factor to receive a free meal
  • To order meals, look for instructions emailed to you weekly via the School Nutrition email or send the following information to
  1.  Students' Full Name
  2. Grade
  3. Parent's email & cellphone
  4. How many breakfast & lunches they wish to order & the dates

This information can be found on our website, should you like to reference it later in the year.