Our High School REACH students celebrated their achievements thus far in the school year. As a reward for great effort, social/emotional learning and just plain fun - they made (and enjoyed) pancakes together!🥞
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
We are looking forward to seeing our Secondary families this evening for our Open House. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for student schedule pick up with a Welcome Session in the LGI at 5:45 p.m.
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Attendance Matters! Take a peek at these numbers - they add up quickly!
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Attendance Matters
Get ready for homecoming next week with Tamarac Spirit Days!
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Update Flyer
Purchase your High School yearbook for the lowest price of the year - $65 (plus tax). Pay to personalize your yearbook and receive 4 FREE icons. This offer is good until October 27. Please reach out to Ms. Connor with any questions: econnor@brunswickcsd.org https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A05396450
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Homecoming dance tickets are being sold during lunches Wednesday, September 27th through October 4th. The Homecoming Dance will take place on Saturday, October 7 from 6 pm - 9 pm for high school students.
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Homecoming Dance
Parents and Students - October is a busy month for College Preparations! Please check this calendar to stay up to date and contact the Counseling Center with any questions.
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Counseling Center October
The road to the future starts here at Tamarac! Below is a list of college representatives coming to see us this week, 9/25 - 9/29. Please see the counseling center or Ms. McKeon with any questions. Visits are scheduled through the end of October!
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Rep Visits
The lost and found program is up and running again this year. If you are missing an item please use the link provided here: https://www.brunswickcsd.org/page/lost-and-found Once we are contacted we will then get the item to your child to bring home. Thank you from the Life Skills Classroom.
11 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Lost and Found
We are hiring - Custodian Worker! https://5il.co/25fc5
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
We are hiring!
Congratulations to Colin Skaarup for receiving a Letter of Commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Program.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
merit scholarship
Senior recognition at our Cross Country meet happening now!
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Last week the Counseling Center hosted the 3rd Annual College Kickoff! Seniors had the opportunity to learn more about the college search and selection process as well as start their college applications! We would like to extend a special thank you to Katie Cooney-Lesko (Vice President of Enrollment Management) from Russell Sage College, Anthony Pellicia (Associate DIrector of Admissions and Athletics) from Siena College and Julie Testo (Director of Admission) from Hudson Valley Community College who came to Tamarac to present to our seniors. We appreciate their time and expertise!
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
College Kick Off
College Kick Off
College Kick Off
College Kick Off
We are hiring - Food Service Helper! https://5il.co/24xjj
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
We are hiring
Lauren and James received a Bengal Award today! These awards may be given to any secondary school student who demonstrates good character (any one or more of the five pillars) - Respectful, Responsible, Honesty, Social Intelligence, Citizenship. Congratulations!
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Bengal Awards
Students are invited to come to the Musical Screening on Friday, September 29th at 2:30 p.m. in the LGI where this year's musical will be announced. Our Spring Musical will be open to students in grades 8 through 12 and auditions will take place later this fall.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
Spring Musical Screening
We are hiring - Custodian Substitute! https://5il.co/24ux0
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
We are hiring
A message from our Health Office: If you haven't already, please complete the emergency 'card' information including the OTC form in Family ID. If you want your child to receive Over the Counter medications you MUST print the form, sign and upload to Family ID or print, sign and have your child bring it to the Health Office. Your student can also pick up a OTC form from the health office to bring home. By NYS law, we are not able to medicate your child without this form being completed.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD
A message from the Cafeteria: We will be switching our food service payment system to Titan in October. The balance in your students cafeteria account will transfer over to the new system.
12 months ago, Brunswick CSD