An update on tomorrow for the Secondary School: - Teachers will run a nine period schedule for students who are typical in-person or hybrid. - Students who are normally fully remote should follow their regular schedule. *Tomorrow is red cohort day - all hybrid students will be on a regular 9 period schedule with homeroom attendance at 7:30 a.m. This includes 6th grade.
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Hello. Brunswick Central School District will go fully remote for ALL students, K through 12, on Monday, October 26, 2020. Please check your email and our website for further information. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Do you want a quick guide to events in our community? Do you have an event you would like to share? Head to our website - select the Brunswick CSD and Explore tab - then select Community.
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Can't find your breakfast/lunch menu? No problem! Simply check out the dining tab on the webpage or app to see what is being served up today in the cafeteria!
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Quick Shot of Dining
The 2nd Quarter Schedule for the Secondary School is now available.
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
2nd Quarter Schedule
Dear Secondary School Families: Happy Friday! The first full week of school is under our belts. With this year being unchartered territory and so many moving parts, I am proud of our relatively smooth start! This is a testament to dedication of this staff - teachers, custodians, transportation, cafeteria and so many more people. I know I speak on behalf of the entire staff when I say that we are thankful for the tremendous support and words of encouragement that have come from the parents and this community! We have now had the Red and White cohort in the building twice and the Blue cohort in once. We look forward to seeing the juniors and seniors back here again on Monday! I am attaching some photos that highlight the week that was, including parking lot artwork courtesy of the class of 2021 and a snapshot of one of our four Town Hall assemblies with students. As healthy routines and the structure of school are being reestablished, we continue to look to improve the quality of education that we provide to every child. I am very excited to announce several new fully remote course offerings will officially begin next week at both the middle and high school. Please continue reading below for more information - you should reach out to individual teachers for specific course related questions such as access codes, meeting times, etc... Please continue to be patient if you do not see something you are looking for. Remote and in-person offerings will not be identical, but we are doing our very best to be responsive given our resources and availability in student and staff schedules. Morning Arrival: Beginning on Monday, September 21 we are making some minor adjustments to morning arrival. Students will still enter the building through the same entry points, but grades 7-12 will now go to the auditorium until 7:26, The process for 6th grade will remain unchanged. The dropoff time for all students remains 7:15 a.m. Please remind your child not to enter the building until their temperature has been taken. Remote Coursework Grows! Beginning on Monday, September 21 the following fully remote courses will begin: Grades 7 & 8: PE, FACS, Art, and Technology. (Students will join in on the special area course they are scheduled for during quarter 1) Grades 7 & 8: Band and Chorus Grades 10-12: Art for students signed up for Drawing/Painting, Advanced Art and Independent Study Grades 9-12: Band and Chorus Free Breakfast and Lunch! Just in case you didn’t already hear the great news, all BCSD students are eligible to receive free meals through December 31 or until USD funding runs out - there is nothing required to start taking advantage of this opportunity now. Please reach out to Joy Wright if you have any questions. Virtual Open House:The Secondary School Open House is scheduled for the evening of October 7. More information will be available soon! Weekly Cohort Calendar: Mon.9/21 = BLUE DAY, Tues.9/22 = RED DAY Wed.9/23 = WHITE DAY, Thurs 9/24 = BLUE DAY, Fri 9/25 = Virtual Thank you for all that you are doing at home to support our work here at school - we recognize that you are likely juggling a lot with transportation, remote and hybrid class schedules, multiple children, daycare, and a myriad of other non-school related items. Please do not hesitate to reach out to teachers, counselors, or administration if you have any questions or if we can be of help in any way. Have a safe and relaxing weekend! Sincerely, Ken Rizzo Principal Tamarac Secondary School
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
Dear Parents/Guardians: Due to safety concerns we are making a change to pick up location at the end of the day. Parents, please stay in the front parking lot. Students will be walked to the sidewalk behind the busses (center island walkway) and they can be picked up there. If your car is parked and your child is walking to you, please remind them to use the crosswalk directly across from the front entrance (we will also tell them this). This change is effective immediately and is especially important for our 6th grade parents who are here every day. Please make sure you are not parked in the bus loop, but in the parking lot. Thank you for your help! Sincerely, Ken Rizzo Principal Tamarac Secondary School
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick CSD
​Brunswick Secondary Families: Please see the following regarding Remote Learning Plans for the 2020-2021 Academic Year:​ Thank you! Brunswick CSD
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Dear Tamarac Parents/Guardians of 6-12 Fully Remote Students: All staff are now back in the building and we have been making final preparations for our remote learning students. If you are the parent/guardian of a high school student, please continue to be patient as the team finalizes its plans. We hope to have all of the high school information to you in advance of our two forums on Thursday afternoon. You are encouraged to reach out to the team leaders or teachers directly if you have any questions regarding specific information in each plan. There is also a virtual 6-8 remote forum at 4:00 and a virtual high school remote forum at 5:00 on Thursday, September 10, 2020. We look forward to a great school year with your child! Sincerely, Ken Rizzo MS Link for Thursday: HS Link for Thursday:
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Happy Thursday, Bengals! Please see our Administration & District Office Contact Info Reference sheet, now on our website:
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Brunswick CSD Families: We will be holding Virtual Parent Forums for our secondary families whose students are participating in the fully remote program ONLY on Thursday, September 10. For Middle School parents/families (whose student(s) is/are in grades 6-8), the forum will be held from 4:00 - 4:45 PM. The Google Meet link to access the forum is: For High School parents/families (whose student(s) is/are in grades 9-12), the forum will be held from 5:00 - 5:45 PM. The Google Meet link to access the forum is: Please note that you can expect more details from our remote teachers via email by next Wednesday. Administrators will follow up during these forums to address any questions you have regarding this model of instruction. If you cannot attend the Virtual Parent Forums, please send your questions to and to our secondary principal, Ken Rizzo, at We will also be recording both sessions. They will be posted to our district website under "News" shortly following the forums. Thank you! Brunswick Central School District
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Hey, Bengals - we are looking for some awesome BUS DRIVERS! $21.20/Hr, Benefits, Paid Training, and No Need for CDL Contract! To learn more or apply, visit our district website: and complete our non-instructional application TODAY!
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
We are hiring bus drivers!
REMINDER: Chromebook distribution is happening today until 6 PM. PLEASE SEE THE UPDATED GUIDANCE BELOW REGARDING CHROMEBOOKS FROM OUR IT DEPARTMENT: 1) If your child is full-time K-6, you SHOULD NOT pick up a Chromebook 2) If your child is in a fully remote program K-12, you MAY pick up a Chromebook (but you do not NEED to if you have your own access to technology) 3) If your child is in the hybrid program 7-12, you MUST pick up a Chromebook (teachers may ask students to bring Chromebooks back and forth from home for continued instruction; the IT department kindly requests that students do not use their personal devices for the hybrid model) Should you have any questions or concerns, please email Anthony Denovellis at Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Next Wednesday and Thursday, September 9th and 10th, we will be holding a Drop Off for Student Medication between 8 AM and 12 PM. This is for both the Elementary School and Secondary School. Parents should call upon arrival, and we can meet them at the front door of either building to pick up your student's medication. Please call with any questions or concerns! Secondary: (518) 279-4600 Ext. 2426 Elementary: (518) 279-4600 Ext. 2012
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Student Medication Drop Off
Reminder for Secondary Students: Our Virtual Student Forums will be held TODAY for 6-12th graders! Please check your Brunswick CSD student email addresses for the Google Meet links. We look forward to answering your questions and hearing your suggestions about school this year!
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Virtual Student Forums
REMINDER: Chromebook distribution is happening today until 3 PM. PLEASE SEE THE UPDATED GUIDANCE BELOW REGARDING CHROMEBOOKS FROM OUR IT DEPARTMENT: 1) If your child is full-time K-6, you SHOULD NOT pick up a Chromebook 2) If your child is in a fully remote program K-12, you MAY pick up a Chromebook (but you do not NEED to if you have your own access to technology) 3) If your child is in the hybrid program 7-12, you MUST pick up a Chromebook (teachers may ask students to bring Chromebooks back and forth from home for continued instruction; the IT department kindly requests that students do not use their personal devices for the hybrid model) Should you have any questions or concerns, please email Anthony Denovellis at Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Community Members! The Rensselaer County Sheriff's Department has released the following regarding a drop off time/location for unused or expired medication:
about 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Rensselaer County Sheriff: Medication Drop Off
REMINDER TO BRUNSWICK CSD FAMILIES: If your child has opted into a fully remote program (K-12) AND/OR is participating in the hybrid model at the secondary level (7-12), you may pick up a Chromebook from 9 AM - 3 PM today at the high school lobby!
about 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Good Morning, Tamarac Middle-High School Families: Your student's schedule is now available on eSchool! Please login to the Parent Portal to access your student's schedule. Schedules may be subject to change. Should you have any questions about how to log into your Parent Portal account or concerns regarding your student's schedule, please contact your building secretary. Here is the direct link to Parent Portal: PLEASE NOTE: If you chose to have your student opt into the fully remote program, PLEASE DISREGARD THIS MESSAGE. Your child's schedule is still being finalized based on the development of our remote program. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. Brunswick CSD
about 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District
Brunswick CSD Families: Please see the following important Update Letter from Brunswick CSD Superintendent, Dr. Angelina Maloney: Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through our COVID-19 Resource email address, Thank you, and enjoy your weekend! Brunswick CSD
about 4 years ago, Brunswick Central School District